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Should I get a building and pest report?

Should I get a building and pest report?


The simple answer is Yes.  Absolutely you should. The reason being is that properties cost a lot of money these days and you want to make sure that you’re not buying yourself a lemon.

When you get a building and pest report they’ll check for termites, structural damage or any issues that may affect the property in the functioning of it.  The main things to look out for are obviously structural issues and termites, but if something does go a bit pear shape with the property, don’t worry about that, it’s always something that you can renegotiate with the owner or see if it can be fixed prior to settlement.

Remember you don’t want to lose the home that you love if something can be fixed very very simply.  After all, all homes whether they be new or older will have some form of wear and tear.

My biggest advice to you though would be to definitely get a registered and qualified building and pest inspector.  They will know all the ins and outs to look at and will give you some certainty that everything’s going to be ok.

And if you can make sure you go along to the inspection as well they can talk through as you’re going.

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