Selling your home by auction – all the things you need to know!
Selling by auction is a method of sale that is really good for homes that are hard to price or very very desirable. Many of my clients ask is this a preferred method of sale that they should engaged.
Well here’s three main reasons why you should consider it. The first one being set time and date for the sale of your property. The advantage of this is you get to put all your buyers in the same place at same time and have them battle it out for the right to own your home. When this happens quite often you exceed your price expectation, which allows you to buy a much better home down the track
Number two:- no price. The advantage of no price for you as a property owner, is that the buyers will concentrate on the features and the benefits of the home. Also not having a price on your property will protect you from overpricing it and scaring people away or underpricing it and not getting the true value of the home.
Point three the best part is it’s a cash unconditional contract it can’t fall over on finance, can’t fall over or be renegotiated through building and pests no five day cooling off period and settlement to suit you and your time frame. It’s a really nice feeling when you hear that hammer fall down and you know you can go off and buy another property without any drama whatsoever.