Selling your property with a price.
Most of my clients prefer this method of sale as they feel a lot more comfortable with it.
Here’s three reasons why they do.
Number one:- it’s a lot less stressful, you get to choose and take your time to look at all the offers as they come in on an individual basis.
Number two:- you get to choose the way you ask for the price. Some of my clients prefer to have set a fixed asking price. In other words the amount that they would like to sell for with a little bit extra added for negotiation. Other clients prefer to have an offers over price, where you set your reserve and we try to get more or over that price. That’s often called an offers over the situation. Both work really well, you just need to make sure that the property suits the area which the buyers purchasing.
Number 3:- Buyers in general just feel more relaxed and understand that process therefore you usually get more inquiry and more people gravitating to your property